A Team Management Platform
Create or Join Teams
Create and manage your own teams. Or join a team as a member.
Create Projects
Create projects, divide them into tasks and keep track of your progress.
Assign Tasks
Assign tasks to your team members and track their progress.
Upload and download files
View reports of your projects and tasks.
Real time Chat
Access the inbox to chat with your team members.
Get Notified
Get notified of your team invites.
Test Accounts
Login through these accounts to explore the website or make your own
John Doe
Email: john@gmail.com
Password: 12345678
John is a part of 3 teams as a team member
Sarah Brown
Email: sarah@gmail.com
Password: 12345678
Sarah is part of 2 teams as team head
Ryan Clark
Email: ryan@gmail.com
Password: 12345678
Ryan is part of one team as team member and has an invitation from Sarah to join the Security team.